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Le Spam et l’art brut.

mardi 3 octobre 2006, par François Le Ralle

De nos jours les astuces utilisées par les auteurs de spam (spammeurs), côtoie l’art brut et le surréalisme. Cet article est dédié à Fabrice (qui se reconnaîtra).

Voici un spam récemment reçu dans ma boîte aux lettres et facile à détecter par son sujet et son émetteur inconnu.

Le texte est proche des cadavres exquis d’André Breton ! Une nouvelle forme d’art est en train de naître sous nos yeux. je coirs que je vais jeter plus souvent un oeil sur les spams (en mode source - CTRL U sous Thunderbird pour ne pas activer l’HTML du message) :

"I miss my friends in Rochester lots - especially from Church, Wrestling and Improv. If anything, SNL should be the place to take a potshot at yourself not do eight minutes about California Drivers and Whacky Suicides. It was a simple premise but at least they did the physical humor with gusto. What a silly Captain Concorde of the snowy egret zoo.

I might start taking Chinese I.

The new recommendations stress that grains are vital to a healthy diet, and that’s a switch from the message low-carb lifestyle advocates have been making popular in recent. There are a few major improv groups here in Minnesota.

Biggest challenge here has been the Post Office. Yes, I hate when I accidentally set off a nuclear weapon. I was reminded of some of the setting for Dead Alive. Granted, there are plenty of differences but they have a lot of similiarities in structure. Can you taste the suspense ?

The lead singer in the Killers first song sounded awful and off-key.

I doubt that somehow. That is specifically prohibited along with things such as earthquake, fire, theft, malicious mischief, riot and hitting an animal.

The Office meets High School with a little Harlem Globetrotters mixed in.

The lead singer in the Killers first song sounded awful and off-key.

I believe there are three thousand people here. I will take their word for it.

Obviously, the creator of the Zone diet, Barry Sears, feels. They tried to get clever at the end with the bone joke and it just fell flat.

However, a survey performed during. You had Bill Clinton, Condi Rice, Dustin Diamond and I think one more. If you ever had a question about auto insurance, feel free to ask it.

Perhaps I will become an talented and do the Turkey Trot with Mark when I get back."

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